
Forgotten Storms of the Atlantic

Forgotten Storms of the Atlantic Episodes:

Episode 5: Hurricane Chris (2018)

Meet Hurricane Chris! Another storm from the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Chris formed on July 6 and lasted till July 17. Think I’m making this storm up? I’d never do…

Episode 4: Hurricane Helene (2018)

Meet Hurricane Helene! Hurricane Helene formed on September 7 and dissipated on September 16, 2018. Ring a bell? No? Well, then it is time to get to re-know the hurricane…

Episode 3: Hurricane Lorenzo (2019)

Meet Hurricane Lorenzo! Hurricane Lorenzo formed on September 23 and dissipated on October 4, 2019. Now, you’re not going to tell me you already forgot about Lorenzo less than two…

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Forgotten Storms of the Atlantic
The Forgotten Storms of the Atlantic: Teaser